I immigrated to the United States in January 2012. The first thing I bought when I arrived in the U.S
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Justification of the Digital Drawing of To Roosevelt.
I am proud of my translation of “A Roosevelt”. However, listening to how Jorge Cafrune reads the poem “A Roosevelt”
Translation of Lo Fatal by Tomás Ayala-Torres
Fatal Blessed is the tree for it can hardly feel and even more the stone, because it feels no more,
To Roosevelt
It is with the voice of the Bible, or the verse of Walt Whitman, that one should reach you, Hunter!
Walt Whitman by Rubén Darío translated by Felipe Pereira DeBayle.
Walt Whitman In his Iron country lives the grand old man, Handsome like a patriarch, serene and saintly. He
Walt Whitman por Rubén Darío leído por Felipe Pereira DeBayle.
Walt Whitman En su país de hierro vive el gran viejo, bello como un patriarca, sereno y santo. Tiene
A Margarita Debayle por Rubén Darío
Margarita está linda la mar, y el viento, lleva esencia sutil de azahar; yo siento en el alma una
Review of Montreso’s Little Red Riding Hood (1991)
Because I have chosen to translate this story into Spanglish, finding reviews of existing translations of Little Red Riding Hood
To Roosevelt (2).
To Roosevelt. It is with the voice of the Bible, or the verse of Walt Whitman, that one should reach