Margarita está linda la mar, y el viento, lleva esencia sutil de azahar; yo siento en el alma una
Category: Pereira Debayle
Bonnie Frederick translation of “A Roosevelt” by Rubén Darío
[columns] [span4] To Roosevelt. It is with the voice of the Bible, or the verse of Walt Whitman, that I
To Roosevelt (2).
To Roosevelt. It is with the voice of the Bible, or the verse of Walt Whitman, that one should reach
Felipe’s Journal
Dear Rubén, It was not my intention to distance myself, but things have been complicated, lately, and much has changed
A Roosevelt por Rubén Darío leído por Jorge Cafrune.
A Roosevelt ¡Es con voz de la Biblia, o verso de Walt Whitman, que habría que llegar hasta ti,
A Roosevelt 1904 (Felipe’s Translation)
To Roosevelt. It is with the voice of the Bible, or the verse of Walt Whitman, that one should reach
Lo Fatal (Felipe’s Translation)
Fatal Blessed is the tree for it is barely sentient and even more the hard rock for it feels no
Lo Fatal en español leído por Felipe Pereira DeBayle.
LO FATAL Dichoso el árbol, que es apenas sensitivo, y más la piedra dura porque esa ya no siente, pues

“A Roosevelt”, “A Margarita Debayle”, ” Lo Fatal”, Rubén Darío translated by Felipe Pereira Debayle.
A tiny, tiny biography of Rubén Darío by Felipe Pereira Debayle Félix Rubén Garcia Sarmiento, known as Rubén