Antoine De Saint-Exupery was born in 1900 in Lyons, France. His interest for aviation, which inspired and informed many of

Amherst College – Spring 2016
Antoine De Saint-Exupery was born in 1900 in Lyons, France. His interest for aviation, which inspired and informed many of
I Cuando yo tenía seis años vi en un libro sobre la selva virgen que se titulaba “Historias vividas”, una
Le Petit Prince has been translated into 294 languages and dialects. After its publication in 1943 the first translation was
Entry 1 I have been thinking very hard about what classic I want to translate. The first question that I
I When I was six years old I saw in a magnificent image in a book about the virgin jungle
I When I was six years old I saw a magnificent image in a book about the virgin jungle entitled
I When I was six years old I saw a magnificent image in a book about the virgin jungle entitled
I When I was six years old I saw a magnificent image in a book about the virgin jungle
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4